RZ Brake Pedal Squeaking

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So my RZ started squeaking like a rusty door at around 8k miles whenever I let off the brake pedal. Took it to the dealer, and guess what? They made it worse by slapping some lube on it. Anyone else dealt with this annoying squeak or found a magic fix?
If you know how to clean your brakes. Remove your brake pads and spray some brake cleaner on it. Also spray on the rotors and calipers. Try it if it works.
So my RZ started squeaking like a rusty door at around 8k miles whenever I let off the brake pedal. Took it to the dealer, and guess what? They made it worse by slapping some lube on it. Anyone else dealt with this annoying squeak or found a magic fix?
Does it squeal for regenerative braking, or just normal braking?

If it is just during normal braking, sometimes debris like a small stone can get trapped on the rotor. Best to get it removed because it will cause irregular wear.
So my RZ started squeaking like a rusty door at around 8k miles whenever I let off the brake pedal. Took it to the dealer, and guess what? They made it worse by slapping some lube on it. Anyone else dealt with this annoying squeak or found a magic fix?

You need to get some high-temp silicone brake grease from the auto parts store. Don't use WD-40 and just a regular silicone based lubricant it won't last.
Lubricating a squeak without finding the source is a terrible "fix." An 8k-mile squeak on brake release points to a problem with the brakes or suspension like a dry bushing or binding caliper. You need to push the dealer to properly diagnose the issue not just apply a quick fix. Suggest they look at the TSBs for any known problems.
So my RZ started squeaking like a rusty door at around 8k miles whenever I let off the brake pedal. Took it to the dealer, and guess what? They made it worse by slapping some lube on it. Anyone else dealt with this annoying squeak or found a magic fix?

Did you try any of their suggestions? which one worked for you?
I’ve noticed a squeaking noise getting worse on my 2023 Luxury with about 10k miles. Took it to the dealer, and after consulting with Lexus Tech Support, they said it’s normal. Really? They seem to have missed the part where it’s actually getting worse

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