Reconsidering the Lexus RZ Takumi lease

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North Carolina
I nearly leased the RZ Takumi, but I changed my mind and canceled. Now that there are amazing discounts and cheaper monthly costs, I'm changing my mind. I want to know whether the range has improved or if there are any additional issues before making a commitment.
I nearly leased the RZ Takumi, but I changed my mind and canceled. Now that there are amazing discounts and cheaper monthly costs, I'm changing my mind. I want to know whether the range has improved or if there are any additional issues before making a commitment.
Sometimes timing is everything. If the discounts now make the RZ Takumi more appealing and fit your budget, it might be worth revisiting. The range may not be groundbreaking, but Lexus usually nails reliability and comfort. If you loved it before, the better price might seal the deal, just make sure it’s still the right fit for your needs after a second look.
You're right, timing does play a big role. The discounts are tempting, and reliability and comfort are key for me with Lexus. I’ll take a closer look at the range and see if it fits my needs now.

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