Impressed by RZ450e range

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So we just got our RZ450e Premium, and I was really impressed with its efficiency. I averaged 4 miles/kWh during our road trip/road testing with my family. I really love how this car tackles corners with ease.
Just posted on another thread about the impressive real world range I’m getting on my 2024 RZ 300e. Just got it a few weeks back and getting between 4.0 to 4.3 miles/kwh. GOM reading a little over 250 miles which has steadily increased compared to when I got it. I typically do better than the GOM range with real world range that seems closer to 290-300 miles on a full charge. Impressed you’re getting 257 miles on a RZ 450e! Did it increase over time based on how efficiently you’re driving from the initial GOM range?

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